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Chapter 23 Before Love Kills Me

💞 Before Love Kills Me 💞
Chapter 23

Hello guys! It usually takes me 2-3 days to translate,  edit and make the Manhua ready for you. Yes, lots of time.
If you acknowledge my hard work and time I'm spending on this, and it is only fair for you to do so. Please read my Manhua Translations on my website only.
Don't read my content and work on other places. Some are removing my watermark while others are posting as it is. But it is all happening without my permission.
I don't really mind if they add their own work to my manhuas. Some people have been polite enough to ask my permission to use my copies to translate into their languages (espanol, Vietnamese, Arabic etc)  God bless these people.

But stealing other people's work and posting as it is, is really wrong.
Okay guys! Without a further a-do enjoy the Manhua. ❣️

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